"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." - Abraham LincolnWe were so excited to have our friends from MN come and visit us. They drove all in one shot (we usually do it in 2 days), braved icy snowy roads, with four kids for a nice, long,
fun weekend! We were all thrilled to have them and are already planning what we will do next visit :-)
Three of their four kids are within months of our kids so they all have a blast! Berlyn had her 2nd birthday while in MT :-) She and Hannah played pretty good although had the normal "mine", "I want that", "hey that's my food get out of here" issues. :-) I love this picture Denise took of the two of them looking out the window at the ski lodge - so cute. The kids spread out all over and played in every nook and cranny :-) I found the big girls in the bathroom with their herd of horses and the little girls in the laundry room with the train set. I must say that was the first time I have seen those rooms used for play :-)
Isaac, Izyk and Alex. Poor Alex was the only one without someone his age. He did great playing with the other kids or entertaining himself :-)
Madison and Andi getting ready to head out skiing and also showing off their raccoon faces! We didn't tell the kids they were coming so they were completely shocked when they walked in! It was really cute. Madison was so stunned she didn't even move for a couple minutes!
Denise and I freezing but happily posing at the ski resort. The whole family - Jesse, Denise, Alex, Andi, Izyk and Berlyn. I never got a picture of Jesse and Brock - something about grown men and posing together just doesn't go hand in hand :-) We did all sorts of fun things while they were here and I will be posting it all soon :-)