"I am 6 weeks old today! My mom and dad say they can't believe how FAST I am growing. I have heard them talk about my chubby cheeks and double chin - whatever that means. I notice they are always making silly faces at me, I don't know why they do this but it sure makes me smile. If they keep it up I might even laugh. I am saving that for another day though - I want to catch them off guard - to really surprise them!"
"My mom lays me on something hard and white every week and then gets this big black thing with a really bright light and blinds me over and over again. I guess it is called a camera because I hear her saying, 'Quick get the camera' all day long. Can't she tell from my furrowed brow that I am not into this!"
"I guess I am getting to be a real big girl - I weight 9 lb 12.5 oz. I have gained 2 1/2 pounds since I was born. I guess that is nothing compared to my cousin who is a month older than me - he gained 1 lb per week! Wow, I think I would like to meet him!"
"My mom finally stopped putting things over my hands so I am free to suck on them all I want - and boy do I love to do that. It might even be better than my pacifier. Hey now, I said MIGHT so don't go thinkin' about taking my pacifier away until I am sure"
"I guess I look like my sisters Madison and Hannah and I even look like my brother Isaac. My mom and dad say I am a perfect mixture of them both. What do you think?"
"I love being held. I think I could be held all day and all night! My mom has been trying to put me down more and boy am I not liking that. I really put up a fuss - I cry and cry until she picks me up again. I especially like to do this when she is trying to make dinner. Hey, it doesn't matter to me if she gets it done or not I still have a delicious meal!"
"Yep, its still me. Like I said - she took TONS of pictures then she said I was so cute she couldn't leave any out!"
"See, what did I tell you - she couldn't put that camera down (in fact she rarely does)! Click, blinded, click, blinded, click, blinded for ages. Maybe next time I should try crying instead of laying there looking as CUTE as can be!!"